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July 17, 2020

Learn to Lift Classes--The basics of strength and weight loss


We will cover all the basics of weight lifting weight loss!Get unstuck! Find the emotional support and knowledge to gain confidence with your workouts. BUT do them in a way that saves you time AND works.Learn how to lift.Learn how to lose weight effectively.All you need are some dumbbells, band, and a foam roller.Workout with me from your living room, via LIVE virtual classes (or workout on your own time 24/7 via playback access)OR schedule a time to come workout with me at the barn in a small-group setting. See how other's are doing and the progress they've made from working out with me.2-days a week.1-month.LOTS of results!Begins August 3.-------------------------------------------REGISTER HERE-->[gravityform id="8" title="true" description="true"]

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