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July 3, 2023

Adaptive Fitness: Weighted Baseball

When working with clients who dislike the word "fitness" or "exercise" with every fiber of his or her being, the trainer/coach has to get creative with implementing "fitness/exercise" into his daily activity. For this man, I brought in a weighted PVC pipe (full of beans) and a playground ball. We played "baseball" for 20 minutes. I encouraged him to hit the ball with 2 hands, then 1 hand. We switched from right hand to left hand. I tossed the ball from the front or the side. I quick pitched him, lobbed pitches at him, etc. I tried to keep him moving, breathing hard, and as a result, laughing.

Many clients like this one, have spent hours and hours in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, at doctor's appointments and are being told what to do everyday, all day. So to keep fitness fun and the clients wanting to continue, we have to make it "play."

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