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Anna Woods


March 27, 2024

Quickie Upper Body Workout Idea

Try this workout over the lunch hour or when you are in a hurry!

All you need is: A band or access to rings or TRX

The workout goes like this--you will start with 30 reps of push-ups (modify by using an incline or counter top to complete) // then do 30 ring rows or banded rows // end with 30 walking lunge steps. Then you will go immediately into 20 push ups, 20 ring rows or banded rows, and 20 walking lunges steps. Move into 10 push ups, 10 ring rows, 10 walking lunges steps, and end with 5 of each. The goal is to complete each movement to full range of motion and move quickly to keep heart rate up. This means you should modify the movements to complete more than 2-3 at a time.

Push Up Modification Ideas:

Ring Rows/TRX Row Modification:


Warm-Up 3-4 minutes walking before completing this workout. Then complete a 3-4 minute walk to cooldown, after.

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