We are here to clear up the air about everything you NEED TO KNOW about losing belly fat. It's no surprise that "how to lose belly fat, fast" is one of the top searched Google phrases, every year. Closely following that is "how to get abs" and "how to lose weight." These are GREAT questions and ones that we think are often answered incorrectly. Because the answer's to these questions are multi-layered.
So to start off...the suggestions that most fitness websites/trainer's/influencer's provide for solutions are good, BUT the average American is in NO shape to do these things well enough, or long enough to get benefit. We all want to skip to the sexy things that are intense and get the most "burn," thinking this is the quickest way to get abs and lose belly fat. WHEN IN FACT, IT IS THE QUICKEST WAY TO GET HURT and get fatter.
Most of us do not have the core strength to sustain high intensity efforts. Meaning we get plantar fasciitis, knee pain, hip pain, low back pain, we have stress incontinence issues (peeing our pants) that prevent us from doing the jumping/running efforts in the HIIT workouts...
Instead of trying to restart and redo the things mentioned above, over and over again with hopes that a different outcome occurs, let's start from the beginning with baby steps.
[caption id="attachment_7708" align="alignleft" width="282"]
ab exercises for running power[/caption]
We need to learn how to build TRUE core strength and connectedness in the body. It is NOT from doing hard-core ab workouts, in which the body overcompensates with other muscles and the true intrinsic core muscles are left weak and disconnected, and therefore inaccessible. Overcompensations lead to
injury. OVER AND OVER.
We need to learn how the diaphragm truly creates posture and good movement, which in turn helps with issues related to breathing, injury prevention, and pelvic floor health. Then we need to learn to apply it to how we breath and move.
We need to learn how to do the basic movements, VERY WELL, before moving on. Pushing, pulling, rotating, squatting, crawling, etc
We need to eat smarter, WHICH INCLUDES CARBS, to fuel these above mentioned numbers, which in the long-run equates to a healthier, stronger body.
Just like any blog post you read, we all scroll to the bottom to find out the solution. How do we REALLY Lose Belly fat?? Well, we just answered all those questions above, so go back and read them, OR join us for our Virtual Abs Academy and we will literally take you through all these steps together, one by one, via videos, accountability, live workouts, etc., starting at LEVEL ZERO. We will teach you how to breathe, eat, position your core, access your core, overcome compensations, etc, day by day--to build TRUE core strength.
Because I'll be honest, I thought I had good core strength until my overcompensations were removed and I was WEAK in my core, VERY weak. As a side-perk my entire mid-section changed in appearance when I learned to use all my core muscles to lift and move with, not just my back and neck.
--> See pic below to see what I mean. My top pic is from 2017, where I was competing in CrossFit at a competitive level, working out multiple times a day, but had a nagging shoulder injury, and was not seeing improvements in my lifts. Fast forward to 2019, bottom picture. I'm working out less than I ever have, eating more carbs, and spending daily focused time on the steps I mentioned above to keep my core strong and my entire mid-section has changed completely. AS you can tell...