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October 5, 2020

JUICY Peach Leg Day Burner may wonder why this workout is called JUICY PEACH, until you try it! ha! This quick chipper will leave your legs and booty on fire...I promise!Here's how it works:For time complete:50 reps of dumbbell walking lunges40 kettlebell swings30 deadbug heel taps20 barbell roll out's10 front squat--------------------Modifications:Hold a plank for :20 seconds in place of barbell roll out'sHold kettlebell as goblet at chest, instead of using a barbell.---------Equipment you will need:KettlebellDumbbell MatBarbell * optional/Plates *optional-----------------For more workout ideas like these check out: shestrength.comOr follow Anna on Instagram at: @shestrength

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