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April 8, 2020

Where Are They Now? Part 2: My Interview with The Same 24 Hours Podcast

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Anna Woods

Listen to An interview with the amazing Anna Woods, founder of SheStrength.

Her story: “I am a wife and mom of 3. We have 2 girls and a boy. We adopted my son, who rocks an extra chromosome in 2011 from Ukraine, through Reece’s Rainbow. My online training with adults with special needs changed my world so much that it lead us to the adoption of a child with special needs. Shortly after adopting him, my oldest daughter was diagnosed with high-function asperger’s, sensory processing disorder and anxiety. Which leads me to my passion for home fitness. I have always been an athlete and after tearing my ACL my last year of college softball I had to learn how to “train for life,” and not train for whatever my coach told me we should do. And first that was physical therapy…from there I attended a Strong Women’s conference and learned about the amazing affects strength training could have on the elderly and frail adult woman..and my life was changed! I changed my degree to Exercise Science from Art…and the rest is history.

(As mentioned in the Episode, the Importance of Core Stability, called Dynamic Neuromuscular Stability, – Anna learned it through rehabbing her own shoulder with Dr Jared Shoemaker, InMotion Spine Muscle Joint — full story here: to podcast here:

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