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August 1, 2019

She Strength Warriors - August 2019


Right Coach, Mindset Make the Difference

At nearly 60 years of age, Gwen McClenton had faced many frustrations and setbacks in pursuing better health and wellness.[porto_blockquote]“I was not in the best shape, and I’ve never been a cross fitter, or had athletic aspirations. I just wanted to have good movement, and be able to get up and down off the floor more easily,” said Gwen. “I have quite a library of fitness videos that are gathering dust. I would maybe use them a couple of times, then you don’t use them anymore. They seem too complicated.”[/porto_blockquote]Gwen’s story is like so many others; she had a desire to be more physically fit but lacked the knowledge and accountability to make it happen.“I grew up in the Jane Fonda era, where you’ve got to spend an hour working out every day, and wear certain clothing. You had to look a certain way.”But when Gwen met personal trainer, nutrition and life coach Anna Woods of SheStrength, she realized that maybe there was a different way--a better way.“I work at a disability support service provider, and she was a personal trainer for some of our clients. One of my colleagues had done Anna’s advanced program with nutritional support with great success. I asked, ‘Anna, can you really teach this old dog new tricks?”

Shedding More Than Weight

With personal goals of improved strength, flexibility and energy, Gwen entered the SheStrength program with the right mindset, but there was something she’d have to lose first: the belief that shewasn’t worth it.“Anna has helped me realize that I’m worth it. I can do it. There’s a modification for everything, and she breaks movements down so they’re not as hard to learn. And I have never once felt judged,” said Gwen. “One thing I respect greatly about her is that she meets you where you are. She is just so real, and I trust her. I have done a few of her classes, and at first, I was intimidated, but the ladies were all so welcoming, and very helpful. We all encourage each other, and we’re all on this journeytogether.”Over the past year and a half, Gwen has not only lost 50 pounds, but she’s also gained many new abilities.“I’m seeing so much improvement in functional fitness. I was recently working in the yard all day long, and I heaved around big bags of garden soil relatively easily. I haven’t been able to do that in years! Those milestones make me feel great!”

Practice Makes Progress

With the foundation and confidence she needs to continue building on her strength gains, she now advocates for others to commit to their health.“The app Anna has is fabulous, and there are great videos for each movement she wants you to complete. It’s so clear to understand, and there are modifications for everything. You just have to find a place to start. Like wall push-ups: and after a time, there’s a modified version of pushups on the floor. Low and behold, I was able to do it eventually! Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you’re not doing to rebuild your temple, your body, overnight.”Gwen’s success is proof that it’s never too late to invest in your health.[porto_testimonial view="default"]“I have great respect for Anna and her philosophy. She can teach this old lady new tricks! And best of all, I can paint my own toenails again. How’s that for a revelation?! Even my doctor is raving about the health improvements I’ve had. I have always covered my arms because I thought they were too big. But after working with Anna and lifting weights, you can see the definition of my muscles. I said ‘Screw it, this summer, I’m going sleeveless!"[/porto_testimonial]

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